Visit: London, as a standard configuration for e-cigarette channels!

The e-cigarette culture in London is enough to influence a whole Europe.

The traditional retail industry has declined as a whole, but e-cigarette stores in the UK are growing against the trend. With the popularity of e-cigarette consumption culture, shops selling various e-cigarettes have become mainstream. Many Indian and Pakistani businessmen regard e-cigarettes as an important shipment category for wholesale, distribution and retail.

In order to deepen the e-cigarette culture in London, the overseas team of “Frevape” is also doing in-depth visits before the event for the “London Super Buyer Meeting-Business Cocktail Party” recently, exploring the form and culture of e-cigarette shops in London.

London’s e-cigarette “fashion social culture” is full of streets!

In the UK, some e-cigarette shops have very fashionable cultural elements, and the arrangement inside is like a good place for relaxation and leisure. Here you can communicate, take a break, taste coffee, experience the taste and exchange e-cigarette culture.

In the center of London’s commercial street, Frevape visited some London fashion VAPE SHOPs. The furnishings of these shops are very comfortable, with comfortable sofas and warm sunshine on the body, creating a good consumption scene.

Various electronic cigarettes, electronic cigarette equipment and e-liquids are placed in its stores, except for relatively hot disposables, there are also CBD, vape and other equipment. Brands such as EIF BAR and VAPORESSO can be seen on the shelves.

(Visit London’s fashion vape shop)

It can be seen that people are looking for places where they can enjoy vaping without worrying about disturbing others. The social lounge setup in these stores provides a comfortable and relaxing environment for vapers to socialize and try new flavors. They also provide various amenities. As the industry continues to grow, the Vape Fashion Culture Lounge offers a more relaxed and social experience. People can come in, hang out, and enjoy themselves, which is very attractive. The combination of this e-cigarette culture with local coffee and bar scenes is a new way of life consumption.

What I saw during the visit, such as Cheeky Vape, a London-based e-cigarette store, can be said to be a thriving local “vapers” community fashion VAPE store in London. It is a business that has been established in 2015 and also has an online store. Various electronic cigarettes, electronic cigarette equipment and e-liquids are placed in its stores, except for relatively hot disposables, there are also CBD, vape and other equipment. Brands such as EIF BAR and VAPORESSO can be seen on the shelves.

London has also become a soil area for e-cigarettes.

With the store culture of fashion and personality, London has also become a soil area for e-cigarettes.

In the UK, e-cigarette users are seen as more of a fashion consumption mainstream, and even a major mode of development as an alternative to health risks. It can also be seen that in the vaping culture, the UK is far ahead.

London, the world’s fashion capital, made its debut in this cluster, which also facilitates Chinese e-cigarette manufacturers and brands to show China’s unique and attractive e-cigarette product culture to global consumers.

Innovation is a “key point” to enter the UK market!

Most people think that the British market is highly competitive, but in fact it is also a great opportunity, because the consumption of e-cigarettes here is surprisingly wide.

To sum up three points.

Very good, really good! Whether the market is good or not, and whether the industry has sustainable development depends on the terminal consumption of this industry.

Three scenarios of the UK e-cigarette market:

First, the store business is very good, consumers enter the store to consume clearly, and the repurchase rate is high;

The second is that there are really many people using e-cigarettes on the street, and most of them use large puffs at one time. Caucasians of a certain age like to use large vapes, so every store of bottled oil sells well every day;

Third, the channels are very developed. There are a lot of e-cigarette distribution and wholesale outlets in the east and west of London, and even some digital 3C wholesale outlets are gathering e-cigarettes, or they are trying to transform into e-cigarette business.

Therefore, some people think that the British market is “volume”, and only when everyone is doing the same thing is called “volume”. However, the British e-cigarette consumer market is so strong, the user demand is so large, there are many categories, and innovative products and innovations are needed. models, innovation channels. Because the market demand is too strong, as long as there is innovation, there will be opportunities.

When it comes to the channel in London, it is even more amazing.

Within a few months of visiting the overseas team of the new atomization force, it was found that a large number of channels converged in London.

For example, the West End of London also has a centralized wholesale distribution area for e-cigarettes. A large number of local stores or secondary distributors in London and surrounding cities come here to purchase. Moreover, the wholesale and distribution business of e-cigarettes in the West End of London is amazing, with monthly sales of single stores ranging from 100,000 to 3 million!

At the same time, visit the London wholesale market to learn more about the demands of wholesale channels. Different from the wholesale e-cigarette markets in the East End and West End of London, some digital wholesale channel distribution resources are also silently extending a strong enthusiasm for switching to e-cigarette distribution. It is found that the incremental market is considerable.

London, the “Business Reception” where channel business clusters gather!

China is the window of the global e-cigarette supply chain, while London is the center window of the UK and even the whole of Europe.

It is reported that the “London CVIC Super Buyer Meeting-Business Reception” will be held at 2 pm on May 30th, focusing on the center of London, the largest European e-cigarette market. This will be a cocktail party between the British vaping circle and the Chinese supply chain.


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